The Betty Dress by SewOverIt

by - May 17, 2019

I've been diligently working on a pair of trousers which were too big and had many awkward fits and I've kind of lost my desire for them. But in my head I can't let them go, so they are aside. Then I was inspired when The Betty Dress by SewOverIt landed in my inbox as a FREE download. Um, yes please!

Since then I've been playing around with about six or seven alterations. Yes, that's correct. Seven muslin attempts to change the bodice because it fit perfectly with a full-tummy adjustment, bust and waist dart. So I stumbled upon the bodice add-on for £5, which was about $10 US and I took it. So I tried that and it was a fail again. Because the shoulders kept being too low for my bra and as a busty gal I when you find a bra that fits, everything must work around that. So then I finally get the google phrase correct and find a bodice that hits all my marks! Now I want to make a final muslin before I move onto the fabric but buying more muslin is not currently in my budget (when you find out your toddler does not have dental coverage for some reason and can't add him until open enrollment in November but he has FOUR cavities) so hobbies must wait! 

In the meantime I plan to work on my quilt project which I have all my materials for. 

 The first attempt, simply stunning. However, I had major shoulder issues. As you can see in picture two and three. The shoulders became too wide despite that I loved it.

Attempt 3-4 - slight adjustments based off looking and feeling, as well as looking at proofs of patterns online to check the angles. Scooped the neck more and thinned the shoulder.

This attempt to wide the shoulders left it too high in my neck and then the back became an issue - am I lop-sided??

Attempt 5 : When I found the pattern  add-on for Scoop Neck - you can still see my bra here and it felt very wide - maybe due to my full waist adjustment?  Then I lined it up and discovered I'd made my full-waist adjustment too large.

 Attempt 6: And my internet searching *finally* paid off when I discovered the bodice I'd been wanting all along!
 I laid my copied pattern on top (with the full waist adjustment). I had previously added the slight neck extension but now that I could see how the neckline could go you can see I extended the fold line slightly as to not make the bodice even larger. I wasn't sure what to do with the armhole area (under the armhole) but I decided to follow the scoop neck pattern because the original design had no issues under my arm.
 Pattern pieces cut for attempt 6 (at this point I'm scouring my scrap drawer to find anything I can use to clear my head of these adjustments!)

 So attempt 6 is where I currently live until more muslin can be purchased. I'm already planning other dresses.

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